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No matter what happens to you in life, never develop a wounded spirit.

Prayer Walk

As some of you have read about in this blog or know about through our friendship.  Our church, Lake Hills Church is embarking on a new adventure together.  We are launching our first satellite campus in Downtown Austin, TX.  We have begun building community through retreats, life groups, and a few events this summer to get to know each other.  It is always incredible to see the diversity, different history, and lifestyles that God is bringing together to share with our city His message of Hope and Love.  

Today, as we walked the streets, prayerfully seeking the Holy Spirit to show us our mission, all sorts of things started to pop out for me personally!  I began to think about the hurt, heartache, and often times helplessness that we drive our personal stories into.  I thought about choices that people make that can dictate where they find joy, peace, and happiness.  As I walked the streets of Austin (downtown) this morning, I began to see a vast array of difference in people, of life circumstances, and I began to see how God sees them.  FAMILY!  My heart was breaking this morning.  Often my prayer is for my heart to break for what breaks God's heart.  This morning it swallowed me whole!  A perfect Father loves His children and His people.  His heart breaks for seeing His kids turn away from him.  His heart breaks for seeing them hurt.  His heart breaks for seeing them fear.  His heart breaks for seeing them confused.  Guess what?  "Them" is us!  People always ask, "how or why I have faith?"  I always think and sometimes even say, "If God truly is who He says he is and if He did what he says that he did, then there is no reason to fear, new life begins today, this moment and this time.  It begins now.  The hope and peace that surpasses all understanding is Jesus.  It is always Him, it has always been Him, and it will always be Him who removes all of that "crap" from our midst."  

Today, I felt so blessed to be a part of our great God's Kingdom.  Today, I felt so blessed to be a part of an incredible community of people that call Jesus their Lord and Savior.  Today, I felt like God is stirring in and amidst Downtown Austin to bring a new hope and a new way.  He is always creating and today he was creating in my heart a passion for helping, serving, and loving his Children in Austin, TX.


Anonymous said...

Exciting stuff Daniel. Praying for you guys.