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No matter what happens to you in life, never develop a wounded spirit.


Gentleman!  We will fall!  There is no timing on when or how graceful the fall it may be.  Do you have safe guards in place against sexual immorality, pornography, and lust?  Do you have accountability for yourself and your staff to protect your organization and the individual from going down a path nobody wants?  Do you have a strong situational game plan for engaging with members of the opposite sex that are not your spouse?  

I was reminded in a conversation yesterday with a friend how serious this really is in our world. Satan will do everything and anything he can to take YOU and your organization down!  Do you want to go through the pain, possible humiliation, and consequences that may stem from being reactive rather than proactive?  I am thankful that I need help in this arena.  It makes my good relationships with friends GREAT!  I implore you not to lie to yourself and think that you are good and covered.  You are not.  You will fall!

Here is one resource you may want to consider as a safe guard for maintaining accountability and purity:  Click Here.

I am praying that God will knock our socks off and back on again during our time of ministry!  Let's do what we can to honor Him and protect the integrity of the message we carry by being intentional along the mission!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Daniel. Great stuff.