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No matter what happens to you in life, never develop a wounded spirit.

Best Book I have EVER read!

This book is absolutely incredible. A true story of how  two people from polar opposite worlds meet to make a bond that nothing could separate. This story will inspire you, challenge you, strengthen you, and more importantly allow you to focus on what truly matters most to us in this life. 

I am curious to know your thoughts on this book as I will definitely be sharing mine over the next few weeks as I journey through the 2nd half. 

I believe that I have made a very BOLD statement as the title of this blog, but at the half way point, I can't imagine any of this story losing its luster in my thoughts and in my heart. This is a must read. Go buy it or borrow it today!


Anonymous said...

a friend gave me that book and I just tossed it aside. maybe since you were so into it I'll pick it up sometime...

Daniel Smith said...

I did the same thing the first couple of times people told me about it. Shows how stubborn I am. HAHAHA!

Alyssa said...

Hey Danny, The authors were in Baton Rouge last night. I wish I would have gone. (a few of the kids I used to work with went) I have been trying to get some free copies of the book to give to a few of the boys I work with in the prison system. Do you think they would get anything out of it? I have not yet read it, but plan on it when my job slows down a bit. Thanks for the post!


Anonymous said...

This was a very powerful book for me. Especially when recently a homeless man came up to me as I was trying to hail a taxi downtown and I 'assumed' he was going to try to hail one for me and ask for money. Instead he helpfully suggested I go up to the next block where the taxi queue was and then just kept walking. I was ashamed by my quickly judgmental nature and immediately thought of this book. However, The Shack remains The Best Book I Have Ever Read.

~Beth Ann

Unknown said...

im starting this book TOMORROW! you're the 4th person in the last week to recommend this one.

im pummmmmmped :)

how are ya danielrobert?