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No matter what happens to you in life, never develop a wounded spirit.

A CD I cannot stop listening to!

Last night I had the opportunity to road trip to Dallas, TX with some friends to visit the Live DVD recording of Fellowship Church's new album, "Closer to the Start." I was so excited that Pace Hartfield and his worship team at Fellowship invited us to join them, we even got to meet up with their staff and other special guests after the recording to ask questions and hang out with some of the coolest people around. Needless to say I had a blast. 

But that isn't where it stopped. Pace gave me a free CD last night and 1st thing this morning I uploaded to my itunes, listened to it while I was in the shower, put the CD in my car on my way to work, and have been listening to it non-stop all day long! Below is a quote that I heard from Ed Young, Pastor of Fellowship Church, about the CD. I didn't realize that he would be so dead on with these words.

"This album is more than a collection of songs. It's the conversation the Church should be having with the world."

I couldn't agree more. Not only am I grateful for my experience last night, but I am grateful that 1 more time God has lit a fire within me to share His love, light, and hope to people everywhere that need it, including me. I have been reminded again that God and God alone makes all things new. I want to be closer to the start. To purchase this CD click on the picture below. I have also included a video of what we witnessed last night. 


Anonymous said...

Daniel, thanks for the link. I really look forward to connecting with you guys in the next few weeks. Laura mentioned Common Grounds in Waco would be a good midway point.
Thanks again
