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No matter what happens to you in life, never develop a wounded spirit.

Top 10 Thanks

Tis the season for being thankful! On the brink of my 28th Thanksgiving Day celebration I wanted to share with you the Top 10 things in my life that I am thankful for! 

10. Texas Longhorns are #2 in the BCS
9. I get to live in the greatest city in the world, Austin, TX.
8. Somehow I have become a reader, hated it in school, LOVE IT IN LIFE!
7. Coffee!
6. My Pastor and my Church, Mac Richard and Lake Hills Church.
5. My teammates at LHC Downtown: Chad, Lane, Chris, Scott, Susan, Susan, Allie, and Dave.
4. My health has never been better, my physical conditioning is a whole nutha story! HAHAHA!
3. For the opportunity to lead and love people. God has and is giving me so much, I pray I would always share it with others. Especially those who are part of LHC Singles community.
2. I love my family: Dad, Mom, Chris, and Ellen.
1. Jesus is Lord. I am not. 

There are so many things that I am thankful for, but these are just a few to share with you this Holiday season. Share with me 1 thing that you are thankful for this year?