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Next Generation Leader

I am reading the book "Next Generation Leader" by Andy Stanley. I want to write an entire page out of this book, because it just makes sense to me. Servant Leadership at its best. Let's all take a page out of this book, literally!

There are times when you must pitch in and do things that fall outside your core competencies. But those occasions must be chosen strategically, and they must be the exception, not the rule.

Every December, my father's organization, In Touch Ministries, faces the challenge of shipping thousands of tapes and books to people in time for Christmas. In the days leading up to Christmas my dad shows up at work in blue jeans to help out in shipping. He doesn't show up to run the shipping department. He understands the difference between his responsibilities and his core competencies. He places himself under the authority of those who have expertise in the facet of the organization.

One may wonder: As a leader, is this the best use of his time? Yes and no. For the other fifty-one weeks of the year, the answer is no. If he spent most of his time in shipping, eventually there would be no new product to ship. But for one week of the year it is the absolute best use of his time.

By strategically and temporarily stepping away from the arena where he adds the most value corporately, he steps into an arena where his appreciation is felt personally. Showing up for several hours a day on the assembly line sends a message to every employee about the significance of his or her individual contribution. By  becoming "one of the guys" for a week, he enhances his influence with those who follow him once he is back in a coat and tie.

Look for opportunities to temporarily shoulder someone else's burden within your organization. Be strategic in your timing. Remember, once you step outside your zone, don't attempt to lead.