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No matter what happens to you in life, never develop a wounded spirit.

You Don't Have What It Takes

I had the opportunity to watch and be a part of the internet campus last night. I know the idea of having a church campus online sounds crazy, but let me tell you. I experienced the freedom that only Jesus can give last night through what they did on that campus last night. is going through an incredible message series right now called "You Don't Have What It Takes." 

"I can't please everyone, but I can please God." 

How many times in life do you feel like you are running yourself down into the ground by taking more and more and more on just to make other people happy? Going to more events, taking on more tasks, changing your lifestyle to please others.

There are 4 Characteristics of People Pleasers:

1) People Pleasers take most criticism personally.
2) Feel an extraordinary fear of rejection.
3) Find it hard to express their true feelings.
4) Find a hard time saying no. (Overcommitted)

Harriet Braker wrote a book called "The Disease to Please". She claims that people pleasers are addicts. Just as a drug addict seeks drugs, people pleasers seek approval. This is a very dangerous disease, because when we become obsessed with what people think about us, we forget what God thinks about us. 

Pastors, can I get an Amen? Are you looking for praise from men more than praise from God? Do you twist your ideas, vision, and efforts to please people all of the time rather than trust God's calling for your life?

Check out this great message by clicking here.